Welcome to your Journey

Every living body on this Earth is on a Journey. Whether it be a journey of self discovery, a journey to heal, a journey to success, or even just the journey of life, we are all striving for something. Welcome to my Journey, the journey of seeing what God wants for me and my life, and all the wonderful blessings and lessons He allows me to experience. I hope that this will help someone out there realize that they are are their own journey as well, and that God wants to be the Guide. Who could possibly be a better guide than the Loving God who created us?


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Ultimate Time Line

Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD! Psalm 27:14

So it's pretty easy to say patience has never been a very strong virtue of mine. I'm a very extreme person (which is probably why my parents think I am bipolar) so when I see something that I think I want, or think I am ready for, I go after it with all I have ( I think it's actually a very admirable quality, but that's just my opinion ). However many times that thing I feel I have to have, or have to be a part of, is not necessarily what God wants for me. It's not that He doesn't want to see me happy, it's because He DOES want to see me happy that He has to say no sometimes.

I'll give you a perfect example, last February, a bunch of really close friends of mines took a trip to Disney World, and for one reason or another I wasn't able to take the trip with them. It seriously bummed me out, I felt like I was gonna miss out on a whole bunch of really fun memories, and getting a chance to strengthen the relationship I had with said friends. Little did I know however that God had very different plans, plans that were way better than a trip to Disney. That Sunday a very dear friend of mine asked me to help her out after church because they needed help setting up for a wedding ( it was valentines day, so it was cute, but a little corny). After the wedding she got a text inviting us to go to another friend of ours house to hangout and watch a movie. When we got there I walked it and noticed that I only really knew about half the people there, now i might not look like it but I freak out when I have to introduce myself and hang out with people I don't really know. As the night went on and I got to know the people even more, I found myself thanking God I hadn't gone on that trip. I was already very good friends with the group that went, and I would have many other opportunities to strengthen my relationship with them, but if it wasn't for the circumstances God put me in, there's a very good chance that I wouldn't have the friendships I have now because of that night. That night I gained new perspective on an old face, met three new ones, and most importantly realized that God really does have a plan, He's not just making it up as He goes along, He's a very smart God, and He's the Perfect Strategist.

I don't really know who's reading this right now, or where you might stand with God, but whom ever you may be if you take anything from my little trip down memory lane may it be this; God is REAL, He has a specific outline for your life, He's not into taking chances with your life, or experimenting saying " oh I hope if I send so and so in this direction it'll work out". He KNOWS what He is doing, and He KNOWS and WILL to what's best for you. Keep in mind however that what is BEST for you, is not always what you WANT. Don't get discouraged if God says no to your plans, it simply means that He has something way better in store.

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