Welcome to your Journey

Every living body on this Earth is on a Journey. Whether it be a journey of self discovery, a journey to heal, a journey to success, or even just the journey of life, we are all striving for something. Welcome to my Journey, the journey of seeing what God wants for me and my life, and all the wonderful blessings and lessons He allows me to experience. I hope that this will help someone out there realize that they are are their own journey as well, and that God wants to be the Guide. Who could possibly be a better guide than the Loving God who created us?


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Out of Sync

Confession time! Well not really a confession so much as it is me stating the obvious. I'm in a funk. I know that doesn't sound like that big of a deal I mean for heavens sake there are civil wars going on all over the world, poverty, disease, famine, injustice and so many other tragedies that are going on in this planet that it seems very silly and childish to be complaining about being in a funk. While it's true that being in a rut, or funk isn't on the scale of a global crisis, as Christians when we are in funks it can be a highly dangerous situation , because that's when most of our defenses are down, and when we open ourselves up to all sorts of distractions, and potential stumbling blocks.

It starts off innocently enough, you get comfortable where you are, you've heard the teachings before, you're familiar with the doctrine, and verses, you volunteer everywhere, and in everything, church starts to feel like your home, work, school, everything combined. You start to treat it as a routine, and that's where everything goes haywire. I know that for me personally, I loved to be challenged by things, books I read, people I meet, conversations I have, I love walking away from something with a new perspective, and a new angle at which to approach a certain situation. So when I start getting into a routine or too comfortable, I start getting bored, I tune out, and don't even bother, I mean I've heard it all before right?...WRONG. It's so wrong it's not even funny. Though it's true that our lives may sometimes start to become mundane, complacent, and repetitive, we can't ever turn on the auto pilot, and just snooze. There is so much to do for God, and His kingdom, that you shouldn't even have time to catch your breath. Try to get out there, and talk to people you normally wouldn't, get more involved in your church, serving in areas that might be new territory for you, read up on certain things you might not be so familiar with, etc. I can honestly say I've tried these methods and they have about an 82% chance of working out for your benefit. Now don't get mad at me if it doesn't work, I just made up that number in my head and I really hate math so......anyways.Try to wiggle out of your comfort zone, because your comfort zone is what got you into trouble in the first place!

If you think about all the people in this world that don't know who Jesus is, or have never been truly presented with an accurate depiction of what He offers, it should make your head spin. There is tremendous need in our own back yard, a need for love, understanding, compassion, you have no idea how many people simply need an open ear, or a shoulder to cry on. God has amazing plans, and for some odd reason or another He seems to want to use us to help Him carry out His plans, which is crazy if you truly think about it, I mean seriously, what could God need us for? I'm just gonna chalked it up to a question I will never know the answer to, anyways back to my point, there is so much for us to do, so much need, that the second we feel like we start to fall into our funks, we need to give ourselves a wake up call and remind ourselves that there's work to be done, and we can rest and be in a "funk' when we get to heaven, even though we'll be worshiping God in heaven so we"ll never fall into a funk ( ... you guys know what I meant right?...) so in the mean time........GET OFF YOUR LAZY BOTTOM, AND GO DO SOMETHING FOR THE KINGDOM, AND GLORY OF GOD!

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