Welcome to your Journey

Every living body on this Earth is on a Journey. Whether it be a journey of self discovery, a journey to heal, a journey to success, or even just the journey of life, we are all striving for something. Welcome to my Journey, the journey of seeing what God wants for me and my life, and all the wonderful blessings and lessons He allows me to experience. I hope that this will help someone out there realize that they are are their own journey as well, and that God wants to be the Guide. Who could possibly be a better guide than the Loving God who created us?


Monday, May 31, 2010

Eve's Legacy

"And the LORD God said, '[It is] not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.'" Genesis 2:18

Last night I started reading a truly inspiring book. It is a book about lost women of the Bible, and how God used them to tell His story. It naturally starts with the very first woman. Eve. Now when we think of Eve, we usually have a very negative view of her, after all we blame her for humanity's fall from the Garden don't we? However as the author of the book took a closer look at Eve, the original Eve, not the 'fallen" one, she discovered what God really meant for women . She uncovered God's original blue print for what His daughters are suppose to look like. We are meant to be His image bearers, meaning we are to reflect God, He made us so that our life's purpose is to align ourselves with Him. This means that we are to love what He loves, hate what He hates, act the way He acts, and live in the same manner. Now because of sin, we are no able to, which is where our kinsmen redeemer, Jesus Christ comes in, but with His help, our lives are supposed to be a reflection of the mighty and wonderful Creator. We are also called to be "helpers" of man. Now I know some women out there might get offended by this, I'll admit I did when I first heard this, but let me explain. The word used to describe Eve, the word used for helper was "Ezer". It is a word that means Strong helper, not just any type of helper. It is also a word that was used in Hebrew to describe a warrior. As women, we are meant to be strong helpers of man, we are called to help men out in the areas that they are lacking, and contrary to popular belief, this aid does not end with our husbands. We are meant to help out any man that we might have to co-exist with, whether it be our brothers, husband, father, neighbor, cousin, peer, or co-workers. We are to love and help our neighbors. We were build for that very reason, to be warriors, we were born into a battlefield, never think otherwise. As women, we are to fight right along side men in the spiritual battle that goes on all around us, everyday. We are to encourage, support, and uplift them, they need us, just as much as we need them. 1st Corinthians 11: 11-12 "Nevertheless, neither man is independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the Lord. For as woman came from man, even so man comes through woman; but all things are from God". Males, and females are literally made for each other. Which is where woman's third main quality comes in, we are not to be simply bearers of His Image, and Ezers, but we are also to enter into the Blessed Alliance. Like I mentioned before men, and women are interdependent of each other. Women, we need men sometimes, admit it, but in the same way, men also need us. God created males, and females, so that when we came together we would compliment each other, where one fell short, the other exceeded ( all with God's help of course) , we need each other bottom line, it's the only way things can work out.

Women have been looked down upon for ages, it is the result of Eve's lost legacy. As the first woman, she held the key to what God truly made us for, but with her expulsion from the Garden, came the erasing of just what that legacy was. My challenge for whomever might be reading this blog is this: remember. Remember what God truly created you for. Being a wife and mother are two of the toughest, and most satisfying jobs to have ( or so I speculate) but those are not the sole reasons God creating women for. He created us to 1) be a reflection of His Glory, and to align ourselves as much as possible with Him 2) to be Ezers, warriors among the war zone we call Earth, warriors that fight side by side with the men around us, and 3) part of The Blessed Alliance, we are to help men, not fight with them, it isn't us vs. them, it's men and woman of God working together to accomplish good works. We are daughters of the true Eve, we were created to carry out , and continue her powerful legacy, the Legacy that the almighty Creator, entrusted her, and by association us, to uphold.

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